Are you a nurse who's tired of the status quo?

Join The RNegades Leading The Charge In Continuing Education.

Compelling Courses, Engaging Community, Unmatched Growth

RNegade: Leading The Education Rebellion

CEs for Nurses With Exquisite Taste in What Feeds Their Brain, Lights Their Flame, and Occupies Their Precious Time

RNegade Leading The Education Rebellion

We Believe In ...

  • Education that supports and accelerates your professional and personal transformation so you're empowered to serve beyond your greatest human potential.

  • Education that's engaging and effective. No more death-by-PowerPoint! We offer fun, engaging and informative CE credits through podclasses and interactive learning experiences.

  • Building a supportive community. We're here to connect nurses who share a love for lifelong learning and pushing boundaries.

  • Encouraging you to stretch your mind. Whether you're a seasoned RN or just starting out, we offer content and research-backed concepts to help you grow both professionally and personally.


Continuing Education for Nurses by Nurses...

Nurses don’t need to be mandated, cajoled, or even politely asked to increase their knowledge, advance their skills, or continue their professional development. Lifelong learning - even curiosity to the point of pathology - is inherent in those called to the vocation of nursing, because at the core of the call is the desire to serve, help and heal like a badass angel who’s not afraid to dirty their wings.

We spend hours each week, effortlessly devouring information from podcasts, audiobooks, and online videos - to be better at our jobs, but also improve our health, happiness, and human potential.

So why aren’t we rewarded for the lifelong learning we’re naturally inclined to do? We wanted it to count.

So we made it count and called it RNegade.
