
Nursing Leadership & Advocacy


THE COURAGE TO QUESTION: The Life-Saving, Career-Advancing Potential of Having the Courage to be Disliked

This course discusses the pivotal role of the nurse as an advocate for patients who are vulnerable to inadequate or erroneous medical care, and what is required to develop the courage required to fulfill that responsibility.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

A SIMPLE MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION: A Common Sense Remedy for Staffing Shortages, Scheduling Conundrums & Overburdened Nurses

This PodClass explores enduring issues related to nurse staffing shortages, and explores a simple pivot in the budget methodology widely used by hospitals that can correct the shortfall needed to provide adequate patient care.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

MAKING LEMONADE FROM STATUS QUO LEMONS: Transforming Enduring Obstacles into Opportunities to Advance the Nursing Profession

This PodClass explores the challenges faced by nurses at all stages of their careers - from students to executive leaders and entrepreneurs - & how to transform the 'status quo' into a more responsive, nurturing healthcare environment.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

FORMIDABLE: Navigating with a Moral Compass for Exceptional Patient Care and Workplace Culture

The purpose of this PodClass is to introduce participants with a simple, actionable, nursing principle to improve the quality and safety of patient care; and the health of workplace culture.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

CAREER SOLUTIONS: A Nurse Shapes a Business & Career to Fill the Gaps in Healthcare

This course demonstrates how nurses can customize their career, and even start a business, as a direct solution to the deficiencies and inefficiencies that they see in the healthcare system.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

BURNING THE BOATS: Overcoming the Fear of Failing Your Way to Success

This course explores how characteristics inherent to nurses: intelligence, adaptability, creativity, courage, compassion, & resolve - are fundamental to becoming a 'nursepreneur;' & how to identify when and how to change course in your career.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

IT ONLY TAKES ONE: Transforming Organizations from the Inside-Out

This course aims to cultivate nurses’ resilience, critical thinking and creative solutions. Through examples from her professional career, Fiona "The Ripple Effect" that one individual can have on an entire organization.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

NEW DIAGNOSIS NON-NEGOTIABLES: Leveraging Information, Research, Team, & Intuition for Fully-Informed Treatment

Antra Boyd shares her professional experience as a private patient advocate, and her personal experience as a patient facing a new cancer diagnosis, to demonstrate a common-sense, fully-informed approach to a new diagnosis.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

BLAZING THE TRAIL: The Emerging Role of RN Patient Advocacy

Discover how Independent RN Patient Advocacy is a solution to misdiagnosis, health illiteracy, and preventable death/injury from medical error (yay;) and also the 'impossible' examples of patient outcomes when an RN's resolve is set free.

Nursing Leadership & Advocacy 3

COMMUNITY BASED INITIATIVES and Adventures in Common Sense

Zach Cooper shares his expertise and experience in Community Based Initiatives in rural communities, the Harm Reduction approach to substance abuse and addiction recovery; and the importance of business acumen in nursing curricula.

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