
Nursing Professional Development


A MINISTRY FOR MAVERICKS - How the Courage to Pursue the Unconventional Transformed an Art Major Into a Nurse Coach Pioneer

The purpose of this PodClass is to familiarize nurses with the emerging specialty of Nurse Coaching through a discussion with one of its pioneers, Keith Carlson, who continues to forge a unique nursing path as a Podcaster, writer and nursepreneur.

Nursing Professional Development 3

EFFORTLESS EVOLUTION:Allowing Over Efforting for Greater Health, Happiness and Human Potential

This course explores a “deeper understanding of the mind” that facilitates greater levels of resilience & health...learn the difference between efforting to heal trauma & fixing flaws VS. seeing those as fluid experiences that don’t limit our future.

Nursing Professional Development 3

A FULL CUP: The Essential Characteristics of a Great Nurse

This PodClass explores the key skills and attributes that are crucial to success in the nursing profession. Topics covered will include empathy, leadership, technical competency, problem-solving, and the role of mentorship in the nursing profession.

Nursing Professional Development 3

FINDING DIAMONDS IN MANURE: Reframing Old Ideas About Stress to Build Resilience & Improve Health, Happiness, and Human Potential

PodClass explores the impact of stress on the psychoneuroimmunological system, & offers simple, evidence-based strategies for both health professionals and their patients to protect their health and enhance well-being.

Nursing Professional Development 3

O.T. LITERACY: Leveraging the Essential Role of Occupational Therapy for Better Patient Outcomes

This course aims to familiarize nurses with the specialty and role of Occupational Therapy as an essential component of patient health and rehabilitation. Additionally, Ms. Nohner shares her experience of becoming a healthcare entrepreneur.

Nursing Professional Development 3

ALL BOATS RISE: The Contagious Blessings of Trauma Informed Care from Practitioner to Patient

This course explores Trauma Informed Care & how its implementation not only improves patient engagement, adherence to treatment, and health outcomes; but also improves the health and wellbeing of the practitioners who adopt trauma informed practices.

Nursing Professional Development 3

ACHIEVE-ABLE: Ableism Awareness Imparted by a Nurse Who Discovered That Human Potential Doesn’t Care How You Move

This course aims to rectify misconceptions, develop understanding, and cultivate empathy to counter ableism; and to improve the experience of disabled individuals seeking care, or a career, in the Healthcare System.

Nursing Professional Development 3

THE ANTIDOTE TO CONFLICT: Caring Less About What YOU Think

This PodClass explores an extraordinary approach to de-escalation & conflict resolution beginning w/ 2 fundamental components: #1 - care less about what you think about yourself, while emphasizing the importance of #2 - take care of yourself 1st.

Nursing Professional Development 3

THE ORPHAN DISEASE: Best Practices for the Identification & Management of Lymphedema

This PodClass provides a comprehensive overview of Lymphedema, an all-too-often unrecognized, mis-diagnosed, and under-treated condition. Course participants receive comprehensive instruction RE: the identification & management of this condition.

Nursing Professional Development 3

WOUNDER WOMAN: Using Common Sense and Senses to Understand the Language of Wounds

The purpose of this course is to provide nurses with a practical overview of wound assessment: patient history, wound assessment, identification, and staging – and how to utilize a comprehensive assessment for individualized treatment.

Nursing Professional Development 3

IT'S THAT SIMPLE: One Solution for Mental Health, Organizational Culture, and Human Potential

Guest instructor -renowned coach and best selling author, Michael Neill - uses metaphor, humor, and story-telling to explore a paradigm-shifting approach to mental illness, stress, and organizational culture in our places of work.

Nursing Professional Development 3

STRIVING FOR STILLNESS: How the Hyper-Vigilance for Health is Making Us Sick

Through powerful examples of his work and personal experience, breakthrough coach, John El-Mokadem illustrates the profound effect that psychological activity has on biochemistry, homeostasis, and the immune system’s capacity to heal.

Nursing Professional Development 3