A SIMPLE MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION: A Common Sense Remedy for Staffing Shortages, Scheduling Conundrums & Overburdened Nurses
CourseThis PodClass explores enduring issues related to nurse staffing shortages, and explores a simple pivot in the budget methodology widely used by hospitals that can correct the shortfall needed to provide adequate patient care.
A FULL CUP: The Essential Characteristics of a Great Nurse
CourseThis PodClass explores the key skills and attributes that are crucial to success in the nursing profession. Topics covered will include empathy, leadership, technical competency, problem-solving, and the role of mentorship in the nursing profession.
MAKING LEMONADE FROM STATUS QUO LEMONS: Transforming Enduring Obstacles into Opportunities to Advance the Nursing Profession
CourseThis PodClass explores the challenges faced by nurses at all stages of their careers - from students to executive leaders and entrepreneurs - & how to transform the 'status quo' into a more responsive, nurturing healthcare environment.
FINDING DIAMONDS IN MANURE: Reframing Old Ideas About Stress to Build Resilience & Improve Health, Happiness, and Human Potential
CoursePodClass explores the impact of stress on the psychoneuroimmunological system, & offers simple, evidence-based strategies for both health professionals and their patients to protect their health and enhance well-being.
CURING CANCER WRINKLE BY WRINKLE: Discovering Root Causes and Life's Purpose in Unlikely Places
CourseThis course explores various topics related to science and medicine through the perspective and 50+ years of research experience of Dr James Varani - Professor Emeritus and self-described “Lab Rat.”
DEFINE THEIR FINE: The Essential 1st Step In Patient Treatment
CourseThe purpose of this course is to demonstrate that prioritizing the patient’s definition of a successful health/treatment outcome is the crucial (and often omitted) first step to an individualized approach to their treatment plan.