CAREER SOLUTIONS: A Nurse Shapes a Business & Career to Fill the Gaps in Healthcare
CourseThis course demonstrates how nurses can customize their career, and even start a business, as a direct solution to the deficiencies and inefficiencies that they see in the healthcare system.
BURNING THE BOATS: Overcoming the Fear of Failing Your Way to Success
CourseThis course explores how characteristics inherent to nurses: intelligence, adaptability, creativity, courage, compassion, & resolve - are fundamental to becoming a 'nursepreneur;' & how to identify when and how to change course in your career.
THE ANTIDOTE TO CONFLICT: Caring Less About What YOU Think
CourseThis PodClass explores an extraordinary approach to de-escalation & conflict resolution beginning w/ 2 fundamental components: #1 - care less about what you think about yourself, while emphasizing the importance of #2 - take care of yourself 1st.
IT ONLY TAKES ONE: Transforming Organizations from the Inside-Out
CourseThis course aims to cultivate nurses’ resilience, critical thinking and creative solutions. Through examples from her professional career, Fiona "The Ripple Effect" that one individual can have on an entire organization.
NATUROPATHIC ONCOLOGY: The Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Treatment
CourseThis PodClass explores Naturopathic Oncology and how a multidisciplinary approach to Cancer Treatment can augment outcomes and quality of life for individuals living with cancer.
THE ORPHAN DISEASE: Best Practices for the Identification & Management of Lymphedema
CourseThis PodClass provides a comprehensive overview of Lymphedema, an all-too-often unrecognized, mis-diagnosed, and under-treated condition. Course participants receive comprehensive instruction RE: the identification & management of this condition.