A FULL CUP: The Essential Characteristics of a Great Nurse
CourseThis PodClass explores the key skills and attributes that are crucial to success in the nursing profession. Topics covered will include empathy, leadership, technical competency, problem-solving, and the role of mentorship in the nursing profession.
MAKING LEMONADE FROM STATUS QUO LEMONS: Transforming Enduring Obstacles into Opportunities to Advance the Nursing Profession
CourseThis PodClass explores the challenges faced by nurses at all stages of their careers - from students to executive leaders and entrepreneurs - & how to transform the 'status quo' into a more responsive, nurturing healthcare environment.
FINDING DIAMONDS IN MANURE: Reframing Old Ideas About Stress to Build Resilience & Improve Health, Happiness, and Human Potential
CoursePodClass explores the impact of stress on the psychoneuroimmunological system, & offers simple, evidence-based strategies for both health professionals and their patients to protect their health and enhance well-being.
CURING CANCER WRINKLE BY WRINKLE: Discovering Root Causes and Life's Purpose in Unlikely Places
CourseThis course explores various topics related to science and medicine through the perspective and 50+ years of research experience of Dr James Varani - Professor Emeritus and self-described “Lab Rat.”
DEFINE THEIR FINE: The Essential 1st Step In Patient Treatment
CourseThe purpose of this course is to demonstrate that prioritizing the patient’s definition of a successful health/treatment outcome is the crucial (and often omitted) first step to an individualized approach to their treatment plan.
O.T. LITERACY: Leveraging the Essential Role of Occupational Therapy for Better Patient Outcomes
CourseThis course aims to familiarize nurses with the specialty and role of Occupational Therapy as an essential component of patient health and rehabilitation. Additionally, Ms. Nohner shares her experience of becoming a healthcare entrepreneur.